This Sankey plot visualizes the publications from my department (the Center for Learning and Memory at UT) in the past couple years in terms of who the PI was and journals they published in. The thickness of the links corresponds to the number of papers.
Interactive Sankey plot thanks to d3 and GoogleCharts. Here's some python code for pulling down this information from the PubMed API.import urllib2 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET class Link: def __init__(self,auth,jour): self.journal=str(jour) self.count=1 str(auth)+str(jour) def __str__(self): return("[ "+ "'" "'" + ", " + "'"+self.journal +"'"+ ", " + str(self.count)+ " ],") def addOne(self): self.count=self.count+1 query=urllib2.urlopen('').read() queryTree=ET.fromstring(query) IDlist=queryTree[3] LinkList=[] for ID in IDlist: w=urllib2.urlopen(''+str(ID.text)).read() root=ET.fromstring(w) author=root[0][5].text journal=root[0][3].text if str(author)+str(journal) in [ for item in LinkList]: l= [ for item in LinkList].index(str(author)+str(journal)) LinkList[l].addOne() else: LinkList.append(Link(author,journal))